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Monday, 27 June 2011

Weekly weigh in # 6

Well I wasn't expecting anything good this week as I haven't really stuck to plan, but after forcing myself onto the scales this morning, I was shocked to see I've actually lost weight!

I have lost 1 1/2lb!!!!!!!!

I had to jump back on again to see if this was for real and amazingly I lost another 1/4lb! LOL  Maybe I should just jump on and off scales all day until I get to the desired weight. :)
but anyhow, I'm going with my first weight, just incase!

So back on plan from today and hopefully I'll be sticking to it properly this week.



  1. Congratulations sis! You know, it's only now that I was able to check on the blogs. I've got now a full-time office work as assistant to the president of a british engineering firm. When I've got more time, will write you an email. Miss you sis!

  2. Well done!!

    What with W's birthday I haven't even dared weigh myself this week!!

    S x

  3. well done! I get a nice feeling when I see my weight is lowering! i think its a women thing!!

    Thanks for those comment on my blog!


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