I thought I would finally sit down and get these pictures up.
I've been trying to get better pictures but I think this is as good as it's going to get all the time I'm the other end of the camera, haha
So no real order but this is what I have to show you to date.
First up is my poncho
I made this after watching a you tube video. I love the look of it but I just don't like the feel of it so flat to my neck, it's like it's choking me, so now I'm wondering should I have made a v neck instead.
It might sag a bit with wear (tugging, lol).
I'm also debating, if I don't pull it apart to do a V neck poncho, would it look nice with a fringe at the bottom.
What do you think??
I made a little pair of fingerless gloves for my mum. I used aran yarn, so they are nice and cosy for her.

Speaking of cosy, I made my eldest son a scarf and fingerless gloves in grey aran weight yarn. For his I made a pattern with ridges of crochet, in the hopes they would trap air pockets and keep him even warmer and I'm pleased to say it seems to work. He says they are really toasty!
I also made a beanie and scarf set in the basket weave pattern using a brown chunky yarn.
I can't get the colour right as the camera insisted it needed to be lighter than real life, sigh!!
Anyhow, it's actually a nice deep chocolate brown.
Very soft.
Then I found a sort of plush thick fawn or very light brown yarn hiding in my stash.
I made a neck warmer and then made up a flower to decorate.
I can't decide how to make the closure. I thought of some large wood buttons or one button, or making a tie. The buttons would need to be between 2" - 3" and so far I haven't found any round locally, so it's just sitting in my 'to finish one day' pile.
This could be a shawl for a little girl size wise, but I made it as a little bed jacket to go round your shoulders and keep you snug. Whether anyone would actually like to wear that I don't know.
I made it in V stitch with a granny stripe of stitches between the grey and pink cords.
I have no idea what I've done here.
I started a cardigan, bought a pattern and the correct yarn, and was happily knitting away, then it said to start armholes! It's only 9 inches long which is much too short for me and how I like to wear them, I like them longer and it also seems to have come up quite tight too.
Now admittedly, I never swatch, I know that's awful but I never have and I generally get away with it but this seems to me to be miles too small. It's child sized!!
So that has been put away until I feel like wrestling with it and putting it right.
It's a shame as I really do like it.
So to cheer myself up I started on a sort of little tee type of top.
It's all plain so it seemed the ideal project to try knitting in the round and so far, it's going well.
I had to think about the decreases and get my mum to explain it a few times before I could picture it in my head and understood the concept but now I'm getting on well with it and hopefully it won't be too long before it's time to divide for the armholes!!
Can you see the sparkles in the yarn?
I made another chunky scarf for a friend who just came out of hospital, so I forgot to take a picture of that, which was a shame as I liked it.
It was a raspberry sort of colour I think. I can't really remember exactly now, lol
I need to finish the last cushion cover and the lamp shade cover but I lost the enthusiasm and just wanted to do bits here and there after I was ill. Hopefully I'll get back to those soon.
Anyhow I think that might be me up to date at last.
If I find anything I've forgotten to show you, I'll show it next time.
In the meantime, hope you are all keeping well
Take care!!